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Description For two-semester courses in General Chemistry. Chemistry: The Central Science is the most trusted book on the market--its scientific accuracy, clarity, innovative pedagogy, functional problem-solving and visuals set this book apart. Brown, LeMay, and Bursten teach students the concepts and skills they need without overcomplicating the subject.
A comprehensive media package that works in tandem with the text helps students practice and learn while providing instructors the tools they need to succeed. A Closer Look essays — Supplement the chapter material by covering high-interest topics in more detail. STUDENT MEDIA RESOURCES Instructors and students engage in a multitude of activities in the general chemistry course: preparation, lecturing, student practice and support, experimentation and assesment. Prentice Hall understands the challenges involved in each of these and offers a wide spectrum of resources specifically designed to address these challenges. All texts will be packaged with a MediaPak. Instructors must choose the MediaPak best-suited to his or her approach. Option 1: Student MediaPak: For instructors who want students to take a self-driven approach to using media: • Packaged automatically with every new copy of the text (unless Option 2 is specified), this MediaPak contains: • Access code for Companion Website with GradeTracker — Students can work problems on the Companion Website and track their progress in the gradebook (which can be imported by instructors at any time during the semester), work through interactive tutorials, and view movies. Flash Program For Presentations.